XERXES - DIY Audio Projects

The origina Isol-8 MiniSub² mains filter .

Interior of the original MiniSub² mains filter.

The interior of the modified ISOL-8 Minisub. The PCB at the back was removed from the oroginal Minisub case and rehoused in a larger case with room for the four 200VA mains solation transformers and the additional filters for the "low power" mains outlets.

Another shot of the interior showing my spagetti wiring. :-)

A close up showing three of the four 200VA isolation transformers and the Shaffner dual stage chassis filters. You can also see the high tech "stick" I used to mount the filters above the transformers. :-)

The six mains outlets; the two left most are filtered but not connected to isolation transformers and are for high power equipment such as power amps. The two centre outlets are for low power analogue equipment such as pre amps and tuners. The right most and the lower outlets are for low power digital equipment such as CD players and DACs. The low power outlets can handle equipment requiring up to 80 watts. I had to get a bit creative to get the sixth outlet on the rear of the case.

The finished article; hardly a thing of beauty, but functional. |